Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Course Project- Free Download!

    3. Class Project Worksheet! (PDF to view while in the course)

    4. Photo/Digital Version of Course Project Worksheet!

    5. What is stock market investing?

    6. What About Investing Risk!?

    1. Why Invest At All?

    2. How our money moves when it's invested

    3. Types of Investing Accounts: Part 1 of 2

    4. Types of Investing Accounts: Part 2 of 2

    5. How to Invest in a 401k

    6. How Taxes Work When We Invest

    1. The Problem With Professionals

    2. Most People Invest Terribly: How Not To Do This

    1. What Do We Invest In Specifically?

    2. Mutual Funds vs ETF's vs Index Funds

    3. The Best Investing Services For Beginners

    4. How Much Money Should We Invest?

    5. My "Perfect" Investing Plan

    6. The Easiest Investing Mistake: Avoid This!

    7. How To Invest For Kids

    1. Top 5 Investing Books I Recommend

    2. Top 5 Free Investing Tools

    3. When NOT To Invest

    4. The Most Important Thing Overall

    1. Congrats!

    2. Answers To The Investing Worksheet!

    3. 2024 Extra Example: Watch Me Invest Live Step-By-Step

About this course

  • $40.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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